Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Mickroturks - Small job provider

Many ways to earn a living via the internet. Starting from the PTC (Paid To Click), Affiliate Programs, Internet surfing, to the PTR (Paid To) Review one of which is microturks.

The working principle in microturks is doing little jobs offered by some advertisers, such as: 

1. provides reviews from a web / product 
2. view website 
3. comment post on facebook 
4. become their followers on twitter their
5. join them in an ad 
6. register at a site that they refer 
7. and other small jobs.

And that makes me happy here, microturks sign-up bonuses amounting to $ 1.00 as an initial capital of their members. If you have a desire to earn a living on the internet, then microturks is a very promising one, because there are always jobs available for you all. And I highly recommend to you to join in microturks.

Saturday, July 24, 2010


This post is just my frustration spilled. Since yesterday I met new people who I knew and he ostentatiously friendly offer to join the PTC business which he attended, but she did not want to join PTC sites that I follow. I feel really upset ... And I ignored it because people like this not the kind of friend who can become friends.

Today, I just turned on YM, he immediately gave greetings "BUZZ" and asked why I have not joined the PTC had he gave. I swear, this is the first time I was treated like a child who must obey her mother's wishes by people I do not know at all. AND REALLY DO NOT rude!

So I decide to take a moment to join in one of the PTC which he gave yesterday, and confirmed to him again. And you know what's the answer??! He said: "GOOD! JOIN NOW TWO MORE PTC SITE, AND I'LL BE VERY GLAD." Crazy! He think he's who?

Still good if he offers courses RCB, was in fact no commission at all. This even includes coercion. I'm just going to join one, and even then I'll leave after joining. Indifference to what he would do.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Download Video dari Youtube Menggunakan Internet Download Manager (IDM)

Siapa bilang video dari Youtube gak bisa di download ?! Buktinya saya suka mendownload video dari Youtube.  Dengan bantuan software tambahan tentunya, yaitu Internet Download Manager (IDM).  Bagaimana caranya ???  Penasaran ??? Ok, saya akan bahas trik-nya nanti, sekarang saya akan menjelaskan dulu apa itu IDM ??? 

Secara singkat, saya katakan bahwa IDM itu adalah sebuah program aplikasi (software) tambahan yang berfungsi untuk meningkatkan kinerja pada saat proses men-download. (Ribet gak saya ngejelasinnya ??? mudah-mudahan pada ngerti lha, soalnya ini adalah istilah saya sendiri, gak copas dari sumber lain, hehehe...).  Meningkatkan kecepatan sampai 5x lipat dari kecepatan normal (melalui browser).  Secara panjang lebarnya, temen-temen bisa kunjungi situs resminya langsung, http://www.internetdownloadmanager.com/.

Baik, kembali ke tema dari postingan ini.  Bagaimana cara setting IDM agar bisa download (otomatis) video dari www.youtube.com ? Ikuti langkah-langkah berikut ini :

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Membuat Bingkai di Photoshop

Sebelumnya saya mohon maaf sama temen-temen, hampir seminggu tidak aktif menulis.  Bukan alasan atau argumen, namun saya lagi banyak kesibukan diluar.... Ya, maklumlah saya ini sekarang kan PENGACARA (PENGangguaran bAnyak aCARA), hehehe...  Kalo gak menyibukkan diri, maka tidak akan tercukupi kebutuhan dapur, heu heu... Lho, kok jadi ngelantur gini seh ? Udah deh ah, pinjem istilah Tukul "....kita kembali ke lap...top...".

Baik, pada postingan ini saya mencoba sharing pengalaman membuat bingkai secara cepat dan mudah di Photoshop dengan menggunakan "Quick Mask" dan menu "Filter".  Sebelumnya, saya perlihatkan hasil akhirnya, kira-kira seperti ini : 

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Speedy Error....

Sudah hampir seminggu ini koneksi internet di rumah mengalami gangguan, kadang lambat atau bahkan tidak terkoneksi sama sekali.  Sudah berkali-kali juga saya konfirmasi ke layanan 147 TELKOM untuk pelayanan speedy, namun katanya emang server lagi mengalami gangguan.  Malah katanya lagi, gangguan ini terjadi secara global.  Malaysia dan Singapura juga mengalami masalah yang serupa.  Apa bener demikian ??? 

Saya hanya ingin berbagi sekaligus bertanya, apakah temen-temen mengalami gangguan seperti apa yang saya alami ini ?!  Mohon pencerahannya ya temen-temen.  Berikut ini saya coba cek dengan cara "ping.exe" ke DNS Server TELKOM ( untuk DNS Bandung.  Berikut hasilnya yang saya lakukan kira-kira pukul 22:01 lalu.  

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Mengatasi Photo Yang Terlalu Cerah dengan cara Duplikat Layer

Apakah anda pernah mempunyai permasalahan dengan foto yang terlalu cerah (overexposure) ? Ada trik yang sangat mudah untuk mengatasinya, hanya dengan cara mengganti blending option pada layer dan mengukur ketajamannya saja.

Penasaran ? Baiklah, ikuti langkahnya seperti berikut ini :
1. Buka foto yang akan di edit dengan program aplikasi Adobe Photoshop, misalkan seperti ini :

Set The Preference in Adobe Photoshop

In addition to Color Settings, Photoshop includes ten different panes in the Preferences dialog box. Although you can work with the default settings, changing some of these can make your computer run more efficiently, and changing others can make it easier to work with your projects. For example, by default, Photoshop is set to use more than half of the available RAM. You can lower this default setting depending on how much RAM you have installed in the computer and how many other applications you keep open at the same time. You can change the default colors for the guides and grid when they are too similar to those in your image. 

Setting an additional plug-ins folder keeps third-party items separate from included Photoshop plug-ins, and setting a separate scratch disk can speed up your work on large files. Other personalized options, such as asking Photoshop to automatically launch the Bridge, can help you use Photoshop the way you want. Read through each Preferences pane to familiarize you with the choices. Select the settings to fit your workflow and make Photoshop work for you.